Analysis the Encounter of Thomistic Theology of Gilson and Marion with Heideggerian Ontology

Document Type : Research Paper



In this article, we analyze the approach of Gilson and Marion relation to Heidegger. In next step, we try to highlight the various aspects of Heidegger’s thought that is regarded by Gilson and Marion and also compare this two Neo-Thomistic thinkers’ views. Marion as a contemporary Neo-Thomist is influenced by Gilson. One nexus point of this two Neo-Thomistic thinkers is that they present some part of their view in contrast to Heideggerian ontology. Although they have critical encounter with Heidegger but in some aspects are influenced by him. Following of Heidegger, Marion advertise the slogan of the end of metaphysics but unlike Heidegger believes that Aquinas is not Onto-Theologist. But Gilson believes that the exit way of the difficulties of modernity is the metaphysics that its offspring and end is the pure act of being, so the ontology of Aquinas is most authentic metaphysics. In following of Gilson. Marion suggests that substantive approach of Descartes and Duns Scotus to Being lead to nihilistic attitude in contemporary era and for troubleshooting must notice to apophatic implications that is included in Analogy of Aquinas, in order that the traditional theology void of any metaphysical concepts will be provided.


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