Aims and Scope

The scientific researching ontological researches journal is a specialized journal which discusses ontological issues in theology, philosophy and Sufism.

  Some of journal goals are explained as following:

1.     Expanding and deepening the scientific transactions by professors and scholars’ articles in the philosophical, theological and mystical areas providing the scientific discourse.

2.     To provide the suitable context for scientific innovation and creative

3.     Modernizing the scientific references and sources for the scholars and researchers

4.     Introducing the priorities and necessities in scientific researches on the mentioned specialized fields

5.     Representing national researches’ achievements and innovations to the scientific and researching associations in other countries

6.     Increasing measure of the scientific production in humanities generally and mentioned professional journal areas

7.     To provoke the young talents for innovatory ideas to present them at this journal

8.     Establishing an effective relation between scholars