Existential Explanation of Satan in Fakhr Razi’s Approach

Document Type : Research Paper




   The Specialists in ethics, mysticism, theology, philosophy, exegesis have deliberated on Satan’s essence, existence and existential function from several viewpoints. The aim of this research is to explain Fakh Razi’s approach to the Satan. He believes that the Satan is derived from S.T.N means far, terminologically has been applied to heresy Jins. He has presented in his different works, three rational arguments to affirm Satan existence. Additionally, he has interpreted the arguments of opponents of Satan through several levels of animals act including human beings. He also, in contrary, has criticized penetrating of Satan in human beings. He explaining the place of Satan in the universe has introduced Satan as a contingent thing which has no place and neither attribute for the things have the place. Rather, he has introduced it among the devil-wicked and the lowest spirits.  


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