Comparative Survey on Di-Polar Ontological Relationship Between Cosmos and the God in Hartshorne and Mulla Sadra’s View

Document Type : Research Paper


Shahid rajaee teacher training university


Hartshorne leaves the idea of transcendence and incomparability aside in his explanation of active and mutual relationship between God and the Universe and develops the divine attributes including omniscience in order to provide a modern theological base for the God and cosmos nexus. Mulla Sadra, moreover, has represented a specific interpretation on mutual connection of the God and universe, which maintains the God’s transcendental being along with His existential presence denying the both incarnations ( i.e God’s incarnation in the universe and incarnation of universe in God). The main question at this research is: how is the existential nexus between God and universe in Hartshorne and Mulla Sadra’s approaches? The results can be mentioned as: in Mulla Sadra’s metaphysics, in contrary to Hartshorne, God’s abstractive pole has been refused and presented God as an objective, necessary and fundamental Real. According to Hartshorne, the God’s objective axis in process and God has been influenced by the creatures, which has been denied this process in Mulla sadr’s point of view as well. Accordingly, the motion devotes to the nature and human beings not to the God, mutable existents, that is the soul, has been affected by servant’s prayers. Moreovere, in Mulla Sadra’s theosophy against Hartshorne’s has not been seen any sign of incarnation.


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