The Possibility of Darwin’s Transformism in the Light of Mulla Sadra’s Theosophy

Document Type : Research Paper


Shiraz University


Ontology in natural and philosophical sciences that has been considered by Darwin and Mulla Sadra, is the mostinfluential theory of ontological domain which deals with how material organisms change and develop. Both scientists regard the material existents changeable and they maintain that all material species are allowed to be in evolution, but there are some differences between them. Thanks to evolution, Darwin believes that the organisms through genetic mutation and the related changes and by natural and sexual selection can be converted into another species more compatible to environment, and this conversion can also be led to actual changes. But Mulla Sadra, by explaining how material organisms developing, has considered the environmental factors as background for organisms’ changes and evolution and the gradation of existence can complete actualization of the species. Although afterwards the change proceeds and continues regarding substantial motion, but this change is longitudinal and intense, the nature and reality of substantial species which possessing evolutional(intensifying) motion, is maintained and will be reserved at all stages of development. The research method of this paper is descriptive – analytic and we try to evaluate and compare Darwin and Mulla Sadra’s doctrines regarding their own books.


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