Analyzing the Different Meanings of Being by Several Meanings of Nonexistence

Document Type : Research Paper


Ph.D in Islamic philosophy, Tehran University


The concept of subject of metaphysics ( i.e being qua being) has not usually been analyzed successfully throughout the history due to claim of its self- evidence. Nonetheless, the existence is regarded as the opposite of nonexistence. But since nonexistence has several meanings, the problem is: which sense of existence has been considered as opposite of nonexistence? We must, therefore, at first, grasp the different meanings nonexistence in order to obtain those of existence. Moreover, we will compare the acquired different meaning of being recognizing the several meaning of nonexistence in order to achieve the sheer existence targeted in metaphysics. Accordingly, that leads us to guarantee the possibility of metaphysics against skepticism and idealism as well. The particular being ( not being qua being, or existent qua existent) is an objective in its widest sense which containing the mental one as well. It is actual not potential, realized contingency not non realized one, it is in the present not in the past or future, positive not negative, and it with these conditions, will be the object of the absolute reality.


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