Survey of Irvin Yalom's Attitude to the Relationship Between Ontological Concerns of Death Thinking and Meaning of Life

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Master of philosophy of religion, Tehran University

2 Associate professor at Tehran University


This paper intends to study the contemporary psychotherapist approach, Irvin Yalom, to the impact of death thinking on problem of meaning of life when its psychological content in light of existentialist philosophy is considered.  First of all, existential psychology has been introduced as a school which Yalom belongs to and then the components of existential approach in Yalom's viewpoint which has been influenced by Epicurus, Nietzsche and Heidegger, will be explained further by his differences with Sigmund Freud's viewpoint. In main part of paper, Yalom's viewpoint on death thinking, fear of death and anxiety of death which may cause troubles in human life particularly ones who are interested in philosophy, will be elucidated and then problem of meaning of life in Yalom's attitude and its differences with Victor Frankl's viewpoint as well. Finally, it has tried to study and criticize Yalom's solution in order to encounter the life meaningless which resulted from death thinking.


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