A Survey on the Possibility of Existence of the Truth of Place and Dwelling

Document Type : Research Paper


Isfahan University


Place as a basic concept in the architecture and urbanism is disclosed through architecture as the art. This research is, theoretically, based on Martin Heidegger’s thought who is a German philosopher and phenomenologist. So we want to know how the place can open up itself and what is the role of art in exposing of place? The nature of place has been forgotten during modern era and reduced to a quantitative phenomenon. To reveal and gain the truth of place, by using hermeneutic phenomenological method, we need to discuss on art. According to Heidegger, art can illuminate the truth. Because the art is the basic manner in which the unveiling meaning of the truth can be existed. That is why the architecture as an art is able to reveal and unveil the place as one of its structures. Architecture, by construction, actualizes the character of the environment and changes the empty space into a rich environment to achieve a specific goal namely dwelling.  Architecture as an art does not reveal anything but it makes the truth of the place visible and present.  The main purpose of the architects is to reveal the relationship between place and Dasien, and weaken the placeless of the modern era. In this research, first of all, we try to expound Heidegger’s point of view on artistic work and then by comparative study, to investigate the impact of this idea on how the place can be revealed in the light of architecture as an art.


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