The Ontological Survey on Divine Attributes from Avicenna΄s Point of View

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Qom university

2 Ferdowsi university


God and His attributes are the most important issues that have preoccupied human thought; philosophical and theological texts have demonstrated them during throughout the history of human thought. Avicenna is one of the celebrities of Peripatetic philosophers that his viewpoint is realistic and derived from very existence per se and he presents the most precise outlook on God’s essence and His attributes and he endorses further understanding of creator of world and His aesthetics and absoluteness. To accomplish this important achievement is necessary to investigate thedivision of Divine attributes, the identity of the attributes with the Essence, their multiplicity and synonymity. The result of these studies reveals that Avicenna has presented the both: multiplicity and synonymity  of attributes.And plurality of Divine attributes designs his presice theory and synonymity of attributes intend to represent his most precise point of view. Both of his explanation of divine attributes, make him free from this Mulla Sadra΄s claim that the synonymity of attributes leads to the absolute negative theology; because Avicenna΄s synonymity of attributes leads to God΄s essence  not only to be free from  multiplicity of aspects objectively but also will be free from the multiplicity intentionally. Meanwhile, Mulla Sadra's view on the attributes of God does not have this feature.


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