Scrutiny of the Ontological Factors of Creating Tranquility in the Attitude of Lao Tzu and Molana Jalaluddin Balkhi

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Humanity faculty. University semnan.iran

2 semnan university

3 Department of Psychology Education and Counseling, Farhangian University, Tehran, Tehran



The current research is an attempt to fill the research gap around the problem of tranquility; Considering that the researches about the factors that create tranquility lack attention to intellectual foundations including ontology; The present article, paying attention to this importance and selecting Laotzu and Molana, whose passage of time is proof of the influence and peace-creating of their works, is an exploration to find the ontological factors of creating peace in their attitude.. The results of this reflection indicate the alignment of the two sides of the adaptation, despite their temporal and spatial differences. The ontological factors of tranquility on both sides of the adaptation are: multiple levels of existence, circular and horizontal movements of existence, the effect of the power of benevolence and the unity of the opposites of existence. Also, attention to the ontological factors of tranquility is the provider of redefining the concept of tranquility to a concept in connection with the truth of existence. The emphasis of Tranquility-making factors on ontological factors shows the important but neglected role of intellectual foundations in the discussion about tranquility -making factors. The only difference between the two ontologies, Molana's emphasis on the agency of love in tranquility, is evaluated against the lack of love's place in Lao Tzu's ontology.


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