Explaining the Certainty of the Proof of Order Through "Accumulation Reasoning", in the Shadow of the Semantic Analysis of "Certainty"

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD student of Tehran University, and 4th level student of Qom Seminary. Teacher of education courses at University of Tehran

2 A member of the faculty of Tehran University and a professor of higher levels at Qom Seminary



Islamic thinkers and philosophers have always paid special attention to the rational proof of the supreme principle. Argument of order is one of these arguments that has an irreplaceable position and importance in theology and has been emphasized a lot in religious texts. But some have not accepted its proof due to the claim of not establishing certainty in the proof of order, and have excluded it from the number of proofs of the supreme origin. Therefore, the present research with the method of conceptual, propositional and systemic analysis, while re-reading and semantic analysis of "logical certainty in the special sense" and "psychological certainty in the general sense", by examining some interpretations of the proof of order, aims to answer the question of the possibility of providing certainty in the proof of order in the true sense and logical, and examining the place and necessity of order proof in philosophical and theological discussions.In an innovative approach, by proving the validity and certainty of the cumulative argument from a logical and philosophical point of view, the present research makes it a valid and rational basis for expressing real certainty in the proof of order and not merely its assurance, because the cumulative argument implied in the proof of order is consistent with mutavaterat. It is one of the basic certainties and beliefs that the human mind readily acknowledges and doubting it will lead to sophistry. Secondly, due to its obviousness and philosophical mastery, the proof of order has an important place in proofs of the supreme origin for all human levels.


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