Shiite Mysticism or Shiite Reading of Mystical Tradition? Based on Imam Khomeini's Expositions on Fusus al-Hikam

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor of Islamic Mysticism Department, Research Institute of Imam Khomeini and Islamic Revolution



A Shiite mystic, sage and jurist - like Imam Khomeini - only has a Shiite reading from the school of Ibn Arabi, not an independent mysticism with a Shiite quality. In other words, Imam accepted mystical principles of the school of Ibn Arabi and explained or criticized Ibn Arabi's opinions only in some minor issues - from a Shiite point of view. Imam's affidavit to the supplications and Hadiths narrated by the Shiites through Imams of people of the Household (AS), and his adherence to the Shi’a theology to prove the scientific infallibility of the prophets, and his appeal to the theory of Leadership in the Shi’a to explain the examples of apparent caliphate after the Messenger of God (PBUH), the desired mysticism of Imam Khomeini - and mystics like him - is not decorated with the attribute of Shiite, but it can only be reading from one of the most important mystical schools in the Islamic world. Thus, the writer of these lines in the present research, which was carried out with a descriptive - analytical method; Adherence to Shi’a supplications and Hadiths, complete adherence to the Law in the guise of jurisprudence, limiting the examples of Perfect Man to Infallibles (AS) and theological disputes are among the indicators that he has collected about the meaning of Imam Khomeini's Shi’a reading of Ibn Arabi's mystical tradition. Imam believes that the Path and the Truth will not be achieved except through the Law, because the outer is the way of the inner, but the outer is inseparable from the inner. Basically, Shiite mystics - like Imam Khomeini - consider the examples of Perfect Man to be the Messenger of God (PBUH) and - following him - the Infallibles (AS). Imam Khomeini, like other theologians, uses the knowledge of theology in defense of the Shi’a school and its key doctrines, especially the Leadership, as much as necessary, and during mystical discussions, he presents theological arguments and criticizes mystics such as Ibn Arabi.


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