Physical Causal Closure And Divine Action in Avicenna's view

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Daru-Al-Salam Seminary Iran Tehran

2 PhD in Philosophy of Religion Tehran, University



According to the view based on physical closure, the natural world is self-sufficient in terms of causal interaction. Therefore, any external and partial interference in the world entails the violation of this physical principle, which is not believable based on this view. From Avicenna's point of view, this principle cannot contradict divine agency; Because in the causal system he considers and also in accordance with the rule of the causality of the incident which governs the world of nature; Divine activity is established in the world in a consistent manner. In this view, there is no need to divide divine action into general and specific to justify miracles and answering prayers. By explaining Avicenna's philosophical foundations and examining his view of the causal system in existence, we show that by accepting the mind() and its place in the chain of causes and the quality of the causal relationship between the levels of extants, he presents a systematic explanation of the relationship between the world and divine effectiveness. Therefore, in Avicenna's philosophical system, the acceptance of dualism in the relationship between mind and body is the basis of the possibility of metaphysical intervention in the physical world.



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