Analysis of “Self-Love” as the Origin of Human Activism from Sadra's Point of View

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Science & Technology Studies. Amirkabir University

2 PhD in philosophy and Islamic theology



Talking about the first origin of activism in Islamic philosophy has a very long history in ontological discussions and the common view is beginning action from cognition and acknowledgement of benefit. But considering his different basics in Psychologyand ontology, Mulla Sadra reveals other views compatible with his existential doubt. The current study aims at revealing the “first origin” of activism in soul based on Mulla Sadra’s thought framework using existential analysis of action issuance basics, not only the conceptual analysis. This origin which is obtained after analyzing his positions specially comparing “action issuance in soul” with “the universe creation in God Almighty” and also comparing his positions with mystics’ view, may be called inherent love or self-love in activism. The origin of activism according to this idea is the inclination of essence existential perfections statement and the love to describe them at the level of external behavior and action is nothing except the essence revealed at the level of human features and then at the level of natural behavior. This idea also causes deeper understanding of “need” and its appearance in reverse perspective and analysis.


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