The Graded Linkage between Mysticism and Demonstration, and the Consequences of their Mutual Interaction

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor in Department of Philosophy, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran



Mysticism and philosophy have different methods for recognizing truth. One is organized on the basis of rational demonstrations and the other with heartfelt intuitions. This methodic difference, however, will not lead to confrontation of content, because if they go forth based on the rules, each of them will achieve the truth, i.e. the single graded truth whom each of them will find in proportion to their own capacity. The difference of these findings is longitudinal and graded, not traverse and confrontational, in a way that one single external truth is found in both upper and lower levels of perception. As a result, the propositions originated from demonstration and intuition support, not falsify, one another. Thus, mystical propositions are rational, not irrational or anti-rational. On the other hand, each of these methods have superiorities over others, which makes their mutual interaction essential. Some of the most important consequences of this interaction are as follows: (1) the role of reason in assessing, imaging and proving the intuitive content; (2) the role of intuition in deepening the image of the problem, finding the middle limit, and increasing the rational certitude. The present article uses a descriptive-analytical method to explain the graded linkage of mysticism and demonstration as well as their mutual interaction.


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