Avicenna on Embryo's Soul and Body: Origination and Substantial Evolution

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD student of Transcendental Wisdom at Kharazmi University

2 Assistant Professor of Kharazmi University



The quality of soul’s origination in body is one of the most important issues in philosophy of mind. The theory of soul’s spiritual origination along with body, has been assigned to Avicenna in the official statement. Therefore, which soul will manage this imperfect body? Scholars such as Fakhr Razi, Mulla Sadra, and neo-Sadraian commentators such as Hassanzadeh Amoli believe that, according to Avicenna, father's soul was in charge of body at that stage.
This study, by looking at this theory again, by considering important role of Avicenna’s body knowledge and using the same expressions quoted by these sages, in the Book of Healing, wants to prove how the origin of the embryo’s soul arises in the sperm. Also, in the justification of the quality of growth in humans, according to the Avicenna, the gradual movement called the concept of evolution has been used, which can be explained only by evolution in substance in the stages of growth. Using these principles, this article tries to prove the hypothesis of origination and substantial evolution in the embryo's soul and body, so that with this reading of the soul’s origination, to solve the problems affecting the way the embryo is managed by.


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