The Link between Theory and Practice in Democratic Society (According to John Dewey)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D. student of Philosophy, Department of Philosophy, North Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

2 Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy, North Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

3 Assistant Professor, Department of educational science, North Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran



In this study, the purpose is to explain John Dewey's views on the connection between theory and practice in the democratic society. According to him this aim can be achieved through education. Criticizing the dualities in the history of philosophy, Dewey considers the mission of philosophy not only in discovering the relations between the world and the mystery of the world, but its mission includes how to control and correct the world too. The task of philosophy is to study social conflicts through thinking and resolving these conflicts. He seeks to formulate philosophy in line with the principles of democratic life and to prepare citizens for a democratic society while reconciling opinion and practice. For Dewey as a pragmatist, the concept of democracy is not merely a political concept. For a pragmatist, redesigning the overall form of society in which different people live is a necessity of a democratic society. In this form, the pervasive interaction of community members with each other through social experiences and in some way which leads to social continuity is emphasized. According to Dewey, the realization of this meaning is possible through education and in this way, the possibility of for all members of the community to grow and members of the community to achieve problem-solving skills and the critical thinking method reaches a desirable level of intellectual maturity. Therefore, Dewey, on the one hand, seeks to solve life's problems and social incompatibilities through philosophy, and on the other hand, considers democracy to be the best way of life; With a pragmatic approach, he is trying to draw the desired democratic society in such a way that the element of education in the individual of the society creates the ability to solve problems in the members of the society and provides the possibility of their participation in the mechanism of the society, solving current problems and social conflicts.


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