Double Aspect Theory (Study of Spinoza,s View of Mind and Body)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Tehran University

2 Tehran university,Qom farabi pardis



For Spinoza mind and body are the same substance. Thus, mind and body are ontologically the same thing, the same reality or substance. The mind is inseparable from the body, and vice versaThis unity of mind and body as one substance is in contrast to Descartes' belief that mind and body are separate substances.Spinoza believed the mind and body are different conceptually but not ontologically.Spinoza not only believed this ontological division of mind from body or nature was incorrect, but he also viewed this separation as unhealthy and unethical. He believed that a knowledge of the unity between mind and nature was essential to an ethical life.The mind and body, for Spinoza, act simultaneously, or as mirror images of each other, so we cannot even say that one determines the other. Thought is the consciousness of extension and extension is the manifestation of thought, and neither has any freedom from the other.


Cook Th, Spinoza ͗s ethics continuum,2007.