A Study of the Effectiveness of the Intuitive Method and Its Epistemic Justification in Analyzing the Phenomenon of Consciousness: A Case Study of the Islamic Illuminationist School of Thought

Document Type : Research Paper


PhD, Islamic Philosophy, Baqir al-Olum University



Intuition as a method serves as the foundation of many philosophical arguments in Islamic philosophical psychology and consciousness. Although consciousness and perception are among the simplest and most evident phenomena in our world, they have given rise to the most complicated problems in philosophy. Given their intellectual systems, various philosophical schools of thought have offered different replies to the question of the nature of consciousness and perception. Some arguments draw on sensory data and empirical knowledge to answer the question, and others deploy theoretical and intellectual principles as grounds of their arguments. Furthermore, there are philosophers who utilize intuitive findings to account for consciousness and perception. While the use of intuitive data is ubiquitous among Muslim intellectuals, no formulation has been presented about the nature of intuition as a method in psychological arguments. In this research, the author deal with the following question: how intuition is used in different Islamic philosophical systems, particularly in the three pivotal schools of thought: Peripatetic, Illuminationist, and Transcendent philosophies and what is its effectiveness as well.. It seems that the intuitive method is an effective systematic method for solving the problems pertaining to consciousness and perception.


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