Ontology of "Society"; Derived from the Ontology of Discontinuity Quantity (with Emphasis on Comparing the Opinions of Ayatollah Mesbah Yazdi and Allameh Tabatabai)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Member of the Department of Culture and Arts, Faculty of Islamic Education and Culture and Communication, Imam Sadegh (AS) University

2 Doctoral student of cultural policy, Bagheral Uloom University (AS)



The question of the existence of a society based on different philosophical ideas finds various answers. In this article, based on the philosophical explanation of number as discontinuity quantity, we are trying to answer this question. The data of the article was collected by documentary method and data analysis is based on deductive-evidential method. Ayatollah Misbah considers number among secondary philosophical intelligible that have no external existence, and Allameh Tabatabai considers number as an accident enjoying a quiddity. Allameh's approach to number will open a way to prove  a real factual existence of society, and based on Ayatollah Misbah Yazdi's approach to number, the existence of society does not go beyond a subjective matter. Although the philosophical analysis of number opens the way for the ontology of society, its capacity to answer many sociological issues is limited, and therefore this philosophical entry, along with other philosophical entries, can establish a comprehensive philosophical theory in social ontology.


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