The Inner Possibilities of the Heart for The Existential Phenomenological View with an Emphasis On the Mystical School of Ibn Arabi

Document Type : Research Paper


Professor of Philosophy, Shahid Rajaei Teacher Training University



In the mystical heritage, more attention is paid to the identity and cognitive and behavioral functions of the heart, and the dignity of the heart is presented as beyond the intellect and below the soul and in time below Fouad. It is placed again. But Ibn Arabi mentions the existential characteristic of the heart as cheating in forms and manifestations, and this research by emphasizing this characteristic seeks to draw the inner capacities of the heart for a phenomenological view and tries to use phenomenology according to Van Menen and Adding an existential attitude to it will answer this basic question; How can the inner capacity of the heart be used in Ibn Arabi's mysticism for existential phenomenological reflections? The achievements of this research are as follows: 1. The heart is the essence of a person's existence, and due to its application and fraud, it is receptive to various forms and manifestations, and what is meant by this fraud is intuitive existential fraud. To this credit, the heart has a good capacity to strengthen the phenomenological view with components such as astonishment, suspense, attention, and appearance, and helps to keep the file of reflection on the truth and its knowledge open; Second. The heart, with its face-to-face encounter with names and attributes, and in a sense, its pre-reflective confrontation, puts a powerful capacity for existential phenomenological reflections in front of the intellect, as one of the affairs of the heart.


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