Explaining Relationships based on Technology in Post-Phenomenology and its Consequences in Education

Document Type : Research Paper


1 faculty member of farhangian university

2 Department of Educational Sciences, Farhangian University



This study aims to explain the relationships based on technology in post-phenomenology and its consequences for education. Analytical and inferential methods have been used to achieve this goal. Post-phenomenology is one of the new philosophical approaches in the field of technology. This approach has been developed on the one hand with a critical discourse of classical phenomenology and on the other hand with research in the empirical field of science and technology studies. Phenomenology does not look at technologies as merely functional and instrumental objects, but as intermediaries between human experiences and their activities, and deals with specific technologies and their existential and epistemological differences in the biological world. Post-phenomenology in the application of educational technology can also change the type of technology question and pay attention to the type and manner of educational technology involvement in presenting reality to learners and the extent to which their perceptions of reality change. Embodiment, Hermeneutic, Alterity, Background, fusion, immersion, and augmentation are of technology-based relationships that can have important consequences for education such as; Paying attention to the aspects of increasing and decreasing technology, emphasizing the description and interpretation of ratios, not neglecting the impact of the macro level, being careful in new ratios and out of description.


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