The Effectiveness of Khwadjah Nasir's Philosophical Theology from Avicenna's Wisdom in “The Exalted Self- Existence” and “Ontology”

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D Student, Payame Noor University Southern Tehran Branch

2 Department of History of Civilization and Religions - Faculty of Literature - P N University- Iran

3 Associated Professor, Payame Noor University Qazvin Branch

4 Associated Professor, Payame Noor University Southern Tehran Branch



Throughout the theological thoughts of Khwadjah Nasir al-Din al-Tusi, the influence of Avicenna’s wisdom is evident. Adapting the philosophical method he made it  common in Imamiyyah theology. In this article, Avicenna'sinfluence on KhwadjahTusi in two issues of "ontology" and "proofs of the existence of God and His oneness" has been studied and analyzed. The article is divided into two main sections. The first part is devoted to the cases of the influence of Avicenna's wisdom on Khwadjah’s theology and the second part is devoted to the cases of the independence of his view from Avicennain the two mentioned issues, using their most important theological and philosophical works. This research confirms that Khwadjah, while adhering to pure rationality in presenting Imami beliefs, has also used Ibn Avicenna's philosophical method in compiling and structuring his theological worksand some of his arguments on the subject of "proving the existence of God and His oneness" And part of the "ontological foundations" of his view has benefited.However, he has avoided using other views of Avicennaon these issues, whose argument is not strong enough.
