Human’s Openness Toward the World and Being-in-the-World in Mulla-Sadra and Martin Heidegger

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Philosophy, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch

2 Associate Professor, Department of philosophy, Islamic Azad University, central Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran



The problem of human and analyzing his identity is one of the foundations of Mulla-Sadra and Heidegger’s thoughts. Their conception about humans, despite all the differences, have some similarities. The common view about the problem of humans and Being has brought special proximity between them. Both believe in a special existence for humans among all other entities. Mulla-Sadra believes that the self’s knowledge by presence of himself is identical with the self and entails its knowledge by presence of the body; and the body conjuncts self with the world. This knowledge by presence is identical to humans’ openness toward the world; since the self’s intention is always toward his surrounding environment. By this intention, he can preserve his being. Heidegger believes that Human continually projects into the world and this projection steams from his openness toward the world; that is, Dasien consistently appropriates himself and other entities, and due to this appropriation fulfills his projection. Heidegger divides humans into authentic and non-authentic. Non-authentic human follows Das-man and endoxa, however, the authentic human recognizes himself determined in a specific time; thus perform his effort following his situation and purposes and to fulfill his true identity. Mulla-Sadra also thinks that the realization of human dispositions is beholden by humans’ interaction with the world in which he/she dwells in it. Humans can make their world more open and advance it through their activities. Mulla-Sadra and Heidegger both emphasize humans' interaction with the world and his world-constituting ability, and both think of humans’ transcendence based on humans' activity and the kind of the world that he/she constitutes.


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