Influence of Muslim Philosophers on the Holy Quran in Some Issues of the Natural World

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor, Department of kalam, Research Institute of Islamic Philosophy and kalam, Research Institute of Islamic Sciences and Culture. Qom. Iran



Undoubtedly, the Holy Quran has been and is one of the effective factors in the formation, growth and development of some sciences and has also played a valuable role in Islamic philosophy. In philosophical cosmology, in addition to opening the horizons to the many issues mentioned in the Qur'an, it has also led to the reform and completion of some philosophical beliefs. This article seeks to prove the impact of the teachings of the Holy Quran on philosophical cosmology, for example the four cosmological issues of the beginning and creation of the world, the origin and step of the universe, substantive motion and consciousness And to study the consciousness of beings in a descriptive-analytical way and through this to compare the views of Muslim philosophers with the philosophical ideas of Greece. This research shows that in those issues that are rooted in Greek philosophy, not only are the cosmological views of Muslim philosophers not subject to Aristotelian ideas, but they are significantly closer to the Qur'anic teachings. Hence, the statement of Orientalists that Islamic philosophy is an imitation of Greek philosophy is untrue.


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