Reviewing the Conflict of the Mashay Principle" Every Contingent Thing is Composite Duality " and Mere Identically of Immaterial Beings by the Illumination Scholars from the Perspective of Transcendent Wisdom

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Educated in Islamic Philosophy and Theology, M. A, University of Tehran

2 Associate Professor of Islamic philosophy, Tehran university



With a thorough investigation in the works of Muslim philosophers we see the principle “Every contingent thing is composite duality, composed of quiddity and existence”. Which means that all contingent entities have the essence. However, there is another principle “The soul and above of it are mere identically and pure being” which has been accepted by companions of the philosophy of Illumination and Transcendent wisdom. according to this principle in an Initial Review, non-material objects do not have the essence. The main question of this investigation is if there is any contradiction between these two principles and if there is not, what would be the answer of philosophers to the seeming contradiction. some believe there is a contradiction between these two principles and the final idea of Mulla Sadrā is one of them. On the contrary, some believe there is no contradiction between these two principles. The author does not regard the answers of the philosophers to be satisfactory and criticizes them. Hence, studying the different meanings of the essence, provided another answer in this paper.


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