Controversy over Mathematics: The Ontological Debate between Badiou and Heidegger

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD student of philosophy

2 Associate professor, Dep. of Philosophy, Imam Khomeini International University, Qazvin, Iran



For Heidegger, ontology begins with a critique of the metaphysical history after Plato, explaining the ontological distinction, the dangers of modern science, and mathematical thinking in shaping the nihilism of modern man, and finally the poetic view of Mathematics continues to develop the world for Dasein. For Heidegger, Being is the pure richness that manifests itself in various ways in Dasein, and mathematical thinking, not the guide to existence, is the main cause of its neglect, as well as its neglect, throughout the history of metaphysics. Alan Badiou, on the other hand, considers mathematics to be ontology in his most fundamental philosophical case, and exposes the differential versions, which he claims to be a staunch critic of the anti-mathematical view and, instead, of Heidegger's poetry. In this article, we try to present Badiou's critique of Heidegger's approach to mathematics, to mention his reasons for the mathematical view of what he calls poetic ontology, and finally to show Badiou, no matter how objectionable Whether his criticisms of Heidegger are justified or not, but in order to achieve his goals in ontology, he is forced to formulate and present them.


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