The Logic of Understanding the Divine Speech from Qazi Abd al-Jabbar Mu'tazili’s Viewpoints.

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Student Yazd University

2 Associate Professor and faculty member of Yazd University

3 Assistant Professor and faculty member of Yazd University



This descriptive-analytical study seeks to examine the logic of understanding the speech from Qazi Abd al-Jabbar Mu'tazili’s Viewpoints. In his view, the way to achieve the correct meaning of the divine speech is the disciplined intervention of the ways of knowledge and also the description of the divine wisdom in understanding the divine speech. In his view, the regularity of these factors requires reliance on some ontological presuppositions that play a key role in clarifying the nature and ways of knowledge. By specifying the correct meaning of the ways of knowledge, he proves the attribute of wisdom in the same human meaning, that is, "one who does not do ugly things" about God, and examines its implications in understanding the divine speech. In his logic, the role of the narrator in many verses is summarized in the confirmation of rational data, which, contrary to his claim in creating unity of procedure, provides the basis for differences of opinion in understanding the divine speech.


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