Philosophical Analysis of the Flow of Love in Designer Identities in Ibn Sina's Risālah fī al-’ishq (Treatise on Love)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Philosophy, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran. Iran

2 Associate professor, Philosophy Department, iranian Research Institute of Philosophy, Tehran, Iran.



In his Risālah fī al-’ishq (treatise on love), Ibn Sina has given an explanation of the flow of love in all beings, from hyle to pure form. By explaining that the goodness has two aspects: lover and beloved, Ibn Sina deals with the role of this attribute in creating the duality of lover in designer identities and beloved in higher being. Love in designer identities is the instinctive love of perfections that comes to them from the beloved, and this causes them to always be drawn to their perfection. The main issue of this article is due to: a) the necessity of recognizing instances of designer identities in the treatise on love, and b) explaining the position of designer identities in Ibn Sina's ontological system. The results of the research show that the examples of identities that Ibn Sina mentions in his treatise on love as the designer are based on their existential hierarchy: the souls of the celestial objects, the celestial objects, the general nature and the power of practical intellect that they are beloved by celestial objects, the element’s world, partial nature, and partial souls, respectively. According to Ibn Sina, designer identities, due to their natural enthusiasm and love instinct for pure goodness, cause continuous movement in the celestial objects, and according to their levels of existence, they cause continuous movement and perfection in the generation and corruption world.


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