Critique of Abolhassan Ameri's Views on Possibility

Document Type : Research Paper


Professor of Islamic Philosophy and Theology, Tarbiat Dabir Shahid Rajaei University, Tehran, Iran



The main question of this research is what is Abolhassan Ameri's view about possibility? We explored this main question with a descriptive and analytical method. Historically, the discussion of aspects, like other logical discussions, began with Aristotle. He divided the directions into four types - obligatory, abstinent, probable and possible - but Muslim philosophers, including Ameri, have divided the discussion of materials and directions into three types - obligatory, abstinent and possible. In some positions, Amiri placed the divider of these three categories as destiny, and in others as rational status. He divides the relations between the events of the natural world and reason into different types and believes that there is a confrontation between the possible and the obligatory and divides the possibility into three types - natural, fake and rare - and then in explaining each of these It has taken advantage of the daily events of life. In his discussions of possibility with ordinary things, the connection between thought and action, Ameri has paid much attention, and perhaps a major factor in his discussion of possibility goes back to the struggle against determinism. In the history of philosophy, little attention has been paid to his fictitious statements about possibility.
