A Study of How the Human Soul Evolves from the Perspective of the Holy Quran and Transcendent Wisdom

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor, University of Tehran

2 PhD student, University of Tehran



Knowing the essence of man and how he was created is necessary and inevitable for a better understanding of himself. Therefore, the main issue of this article is to express how human beings are formed in general and in essence, and its truth in particular in the Holy Qur'an and transcendent wisdom. By examining the documentary-analytical method and by examining the propositions related to this issue in these two epistemological systems, it is clear that although the view of the Holy Quran on this issue has not been merely an ontological study; There are similarities between the reports of the Holy Quran and the transcendent wisdom. However, from the point of view of the realism of the propositions, the reports of the Holy Qur'an are mainly aimed at expressing what and the stages of this human movement, and the transcendent wisdom has focused its attention on how this movement occurs. Also, in expressing the stages of creation, the transcendent wisdom deals with these stages in a macro way and with an analytical-rational approach, but the Holy Qur'an reports these stages in an objective and objective way from an intuitive and divine point of view. Hence, by comparative study of the propositions of these two epistemological systems, and with the help of the Holy Quran; A comprehensive and at the same time accurate point of view can be obtained in answering this question in order to get a complete picture of how human beings move.


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