The Quality of Interaction of Imamiyah Theologians with the Physics of Ancient Astronomy in Issues Related to the Afterlife

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD in Imami Theology, University of Quran and Hadith. Qom. Iran

2 Associate Professor, Quran and Hadith University. Iran

3 Assistant Professor of Quran and Hadith University. Iran

4 Assistant Professor of the Mustafa International University, Qom, Iran



Ancient astronomy, also known as Ptolemy because of Ptolemy's fame, consists of two parts: mathematical astronomy and physical astronomy. Discussions such as the primordial nature of the heavens, the sphericity of the sky, the refusal of the heavens to heal, and the discussion of the refusal of a vacuum in the astronomical universe led to religious teachings such as the principle of another universe, the physical resurrection, heaven and hell, Challenge the world. Therefore, it was necessary for Muslim theological schools and theologians to express their views on whether or not the board's views were in line with Islamic teachings on the issues of the Hereafter. The present study deals with the relationship between the two sciences of ancient astronomy and Islamic theology with interdisciplinary genealogy and historical context. According to their philosophical or non-philosophical approach, they have chosen one of the three types of confrontation against this challenge: silence or accepting the challenge and defending religious beliefs or have chosen to use astronomical data to justify theological teachings.


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