Explaining the Degree of Compatibility in General Sense & in Special Sense Theological System of Avicenna About Existence of the Necessary Being

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D Student, Payame Noor University Southern Tehran Branch

2 Associated Professor, Payame Noor University Qazvin Branch

3 Associated Professor, Payame Noor University Southern Tehran Branch

4 Assistant professor, Payame Noor University Kermanshah Branch



Avicenna's theological discipline as a subsystem of Avicennism emerged in two section (including: theology in general sense & theology in special sense). Avicenna fully and in detail explains the necessity of a divine existence with emphasis on monotheism. Exactly in such approach we can observe and analyze the degree of compatibility and incompatibility of Avicenna's theological system. It be founded that Avicenna's philosophy system despite the successes had achieved in proving almighty existing & Divisive rulings of "Exists as there is" donʼt had complete consistency and compatibility because of it's form of maximal pluralism and lack of promotion to the level of gradation of unity. It had serious challenges to explain about almighty existence and unity (in concept & the true example). In this article  using critical_analytical method with focus on subjects such as “necessity quality of Indispensable Being” and the ralation of his “ existence and essence “ we showed that Avicennism donʼt have complete coherency and compatibility in precinct of this article.


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