Reflecion of Pseudo Dionysiusˈs Mysticism on Marionˈs Thougt: the Transition from Aquinasˈs Analogical Ontology to the Phenomenology of Love

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant professor of Department of Theology, Semnan university

2 Assistant Professor of Azerbaijan Shahid Madani University, Department of Religions and Mysticism



This paper examines Marion's approach to Aquinas ontology. Marion shows that Aquinas is not an onto-theologist by displaying the similarity of Aquinas' analogy with the mystical theology of Pseudo-Dionysius. In addition to this negative approach, Marion uses the phenomenology of love as a positive alternative for communicating with God. In his opinion, the erotic experience is an icon or image of a relationship with God. He considers divine revelation as the intersection of saturated and iconic phenomena. In analogy, we realize the absolute difference between the existence of God (esse) and creatures (being) and the non-univocity of being, but there is univocity between the "love to God" and "love to human beings”. In addition to the phenomenological analysis of love as a basis for understanding God's relationship with the world and man, Marion is not unaware of the creationary and realistic aspect of love. Marion argues that, contrary to Heidegger's view, the call or invitation to the “event of appropriation” (ereignis) is subjective. In fact, Marion, instead of considering Being as an impersonal affair, sees it as a transcendent subject that calls man to himself. Marion's theology can be the source of new insights for analytic philosophers of religion who pursue the ideals of necessity, totality, and objectivity, and who neglect the intuitive and moral experience of religion.


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