Theistic Argumvb Cents for the Primacy of Existence and the Evaluation of the Fallacy of Circle Vicious Circle and Confiscation of the Petitio Principle

Document Type : Research Paper


Associate Professor, Hakim Sabzevari University



The primacy of existence is one of the most central principles of Ontological in Transcendental wisdom and Thoretical Mysticism. Theistic arguments for the primacy of existence and the evaluation of the fallacy of circle vicious circle and confiscation of the petitio principle. Opponents have opposed monotheistic in various ways. Opposition to the basic principles is, in their view, the most effective way, and the primacy of existence serves their purposes. Hakim Sabzevari has presented four reasons for the primacy of existence based on monotheistic in Ontology, by which the opponents have been accused of circle vicious and (begging the question) petitio principia. Some scholars have also come out in support of this fallacy and considered the accusations of the opponents to be complete. The source of this fallacy has been the counting of these evidences in the level of direct evidences. The commentators and teachers of Transcendental wisdom have considered these arguments to be complete due to the application of the method of absurdity in them. Adequate reflection on the logical form and content of the arguments shows that these arguments are strong and solid, and their contents are true to their purpose, and the fallacy of reasoning in a circle vicious and petitio principia is never valid.


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