Allameh Tabatabai's Conception of the Essence of God; Mystical or Philosophical

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD student, Farabi Campus, University of Tehran, Qom, Iran

2 Professor, Department of Philosophy, University of Tehran



Thinking and talking about God is one of the topics that has had a prominent place since the beginning of human reflection. Many of the issues raised about God depend on how we imagine God. Philosophers 'perception of God Almighty is different from mystics' perception of God. In the view of philosophers who believe in external multiplicities, the essence of the Supreme Being is conditioned by no condition, and in the view of philosophers who believe in the skeptical unicity of gradation, God Almighty is unconditioned. Whereas, in the view of mystics, the essence of God .Almighty is non-conditional as the source of division, absolute, and free from any constraint, even an absolute constraint. The God imagined by those philosophers is only a determination of the absolute truth of the Supreme Being and bound by the Absolute. The research question is whether Allameh Tabatabai's approach to God is a mystical or philosophical approach? Or does he know one as accurate and the other as more accurate? In this research, it becomes clear that by passing from "gradation of being" to "gradation of epiphanic forms", he not only has a mystical approach, but also sees the mystical approach more precisely than the philosophical approach.


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