The Prime Matter According to the Principles of Sadra's Philosophy (in the View of Contemporary Commentators of Transcendent Theosophy)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Phd student of Islamic philosophy and theology of Azarbijan Shahid Madani University

2 Associate Professor of Islamic philosophy and theology of Azarbijan Shahid Madani University

3 Assistant Professor philosophy of Azarbijan Shahid Madani University

4 Associate Professor of philosophy University of Tabriz



Prime matter is one of Principles Islamic philosophy that it has a constructive role on many its important issues. But it has always been disputed by commentators on transcendent theosophy, including contemporary commentators in transcendent theosophy, due the ambiguities that exist in prime matter's identity. Since many epistemological and ontological issues of Islamic philosophy are based on the acceptance of prime matter. Therefore, it seems that the way interprets prime matter subconsciously will spread to those issues as well and it will affect them. Sadra's philosophy, on the other hand, is a philosophical system based on certain principles such as the Existence, the simplicity of existence, the gradation in being, and substantial motion. it seems necessary to determine the identity of matter according to the principles of Sadra's philosophy. present study, it was obtained  by descriptive-analytical method that according to Sadra's philosophical principles, in the view of contemporary commentators on transcendent theosophy, prime matter is not the same as conventional substances and only the name of it remains and, it is interpreted and delivered in abstract concept comparison with the weak being completed with its next stage.


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