Analysis and Critique of the Ontological and Semantic Dimension of Hakim Tabrizi’s Purification Theology Based on Sadra’s Wisdom

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Kharazmi University Associate Professor

2 Qom University Professor

3 PhD. Student of Kharazmi University, Karaj



 Rajabali Tabrizi is one of the theorists of purification theology. He believes that all the attributes of God have a negative aspect and indicate only a kind of purification and referring the divine attributes to negation is the opposite. The basis of this view is the teachings of nature objectivity and verbal sharing of existence and interpretations of verses and narrations and the intellectual roots of  the Platonic school are also observed in it. He has denied many aspects  of transcendent  wisdom, such as the origin of existence and its accessories, in particular, the objectivity of the essence of divine attributes, in three dimensions: ontological, epistemological and semantic. Analysis and critique of the ontological and semantic dimension of Hakim Tabrizi's purification theology based on Sadra's philosophy Hakim, in his arguments about ontology and semantics, has made a mistake and presented mixed concepts and examples. The author has criticized the views of the sage on the basis of the principality of existence and univocal of existence and a special skepticism of existence and principles such as the simplicity of truth and the status of imitation and the rule of Mu'ati al-Shi.


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