The Ontological Analysis of "Nor Was Begotten" with Emphasis on the Viewpoints of Avicenna, Mulla Sadra, and Allameh Tabatabai

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Faculty of Theology and Islamic Sciences- University of Mazandaran- Babolsar- Mazandaran- Iran

2 Islamic Education Department, university of mazandaran, babolsar, mazandaran  



The Surah of Tawhid is filled with deep philosophical and ontological contents, which according to its argumentative category, the interpretations of Islamic philosophers are strong-hold for understanding. The present study seeks to analyze and critic the reasonings and points related to »nor was begotten «  from Islamic philosophers` perspectives (focusing on the ontological interpretations of Avicenna, Mulla Sadra, and Allameh Tabatabai). The research method is analytic-descriptive. Throughout the research, symbols and tables have been used to logically rewrite the arguments. Based on the research findings, Avicenna's reasoning [denial of God's birth, based on the incompatibility of God`s Essence with birth and the need for others] is not comprehensive; This reasoning by considering other preliminaries can be revised and re-interpreted. Allameh Tabatabai's reasoning [denial of God's birth, based on the incompatibility of God`s Eternity with birth and need], can be criticized because of the ramifying of Eternity. New reasoning can be arranged by considering the combined critical reasoning of Avicenna and Allameh Tabatabai. Mulla Sadra's first reasoning [denial of birth based on the contradiction between precedence of existence and parental precedence] can be criticized and corrected due to the unnecessary involvement of the issue of "priority". Mulla Sadra's second reasoning [denial of birth due to the implication of possibility] is favorable.


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