An Explanation of the Esoteric and Ontological Principles of Unwritten Doctrines in Tübingen School and Their Role in Politics

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Philosophy, Allameh Tabataba`i University, Tehran

2 Ph.D Student of Philosophy. Isfahan University



The theory that holds there are unwritten doctrines in Plato's philosophy, which is based on two ontological principles of the One and the Indefinite Dyad, was consolidated by Tübingen School. The unwritten doctrines were orally discussed at Plato's academy, and according to scholars of the Tübingen School, there is evidence in the works of Aristotle and the Platonists that proves this. Their documentation shows that the explanation of other subjects in Plato's philosophy, as well as his metaphysics, is rooted in these two principles. The One determines everything, and the Indefinite Dyad is the origin of indeterminacy and multiplicity. The One or Good is not only an ontological principle but the cause of all good. Thus, in Plato's works, One-Good, which is regulative in the cosmos and the model of justice, is the road map for polis (political community) and determines the multiplicity. Through latent justice in nature that follows these two principles, soul and polis can be mirrors held up to the universe and can approach unity and justice.


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