Negative Theology in the Field of Ontology of Divine Attributes in the Thought of Sheikh Sadough and Saadia Gaun Judei

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor of Quran University of Science and

2 Al-Mustafa Al-Alamieh Society



The theory of "negative theology" is considered as an important and popular theory in the field of theology, along with views such as "symbolic language theory", "verbal sharing", "spiritual sharing" and "allegorical theology". The ontological field of divine attributes in the thought of Abu Ja'far Muhammad ibn Ali ibn Husayn ibn Musa ibn Babawiyah Qomi known as "Sheikh Saduq" (301-381 AH) is a famous Imami thinker and Saadia ibn Yusuf Gawon known as "Saadia ibn Yusuf Fayumi" (883-943 AD) . The present study used a descriptive-analytical method to rationally analyze these two perspectives. According to these two personalities, the theory of the multiplicity of attributes on the divine essence is not correct in the light of the simplicity and incompatibility of the divine essence. Sa'diya proposed the theory of negative imagery as evidence of the attributes of life, while Sheikh Saduq proposed this theory with the motive of justifying the theory of the objectivity of attributes with the divine essence. According to the findings of the present study, "neglect of the components of the theory of objectivity", "internal incompatibility of the theory of representation" and "the need for proof versus perfection" are the most important harms of these two views.


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