The study of the ontological distinction between transcendent theosophy and Peripatetic philosophy and illumination Philosophy based on copulative existence and non-copulative existence

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Shiraz University

2 Shiraz university - school of theology - Islamic philosophy Department



Providing a strong knowledge of the universe is one of the central goals of tree following Peripatetic philosophical schools: The Peripatetic, the Illumination and Sadra. The main question in this article is what is the difference between the ontology of Sadra's transcendent theosophy with the Peripatetic and Illumination school of thought. In response, it should be noted that the sparks of the Principality of existence in the peripatetic school, unlike transcendent wisdom, are not free from the sediments of principality of Quiddity. The ontological principles of this approach have been shaped by Ptolemy's theory. The school of Illumination is also influenced by the attitude of principality of Quiddity. Thus, the ontology of these two schools is based on slippery foundations. Transcendent wisdom offers a distinct explanation of the world and its levels based on obvious principles such as the originality of existence. The ontological foundations of transcendent wisdom are based on rational foundations and can even rationalize some mystical foundations such as the unity of existence and provide the grounds for the approximation of these two sects. Based on the principality of existence and the analysis of the principle of causality, Mulla Sadra returned the quiddity based  contingency to the contingency based on poverty in the sense of existential dependence and need and divided existence into copulative existence and non-copulative existence. An ontology based on this approach restricts existence to non-copulative existence and thus approaches the unity of existence. The results show that the ontology of transcendent theosophy, contrary to Peripatetic philosophy and Illumination wisdom, is free from essential sediments and based on strong principles, and represents the true unity of existence.


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