Deleuze on Relation Between the Real and Reality Based On Acts of Imagination in Kant`s First and Third Critique

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant professor, Art studies department, art faculty, Semnan university, Semnan, Iran



The Clarification of the relation between the real and reality according to Deleuze's reading of acts of imagination in Kant's first and third critiques is dued in this research.According to Deleuze's reading, the central concepts in both critiques are the rhythm,schema, and genesis.Deleuze in reading Kant with an accentuation on intensive quantity relies on rhythm as a changing and dynamic criterion beneath the synthesis. He also emphasizes on schemas as the rule of production, the temporal determination that helps to produce something in experience, in space and time. In the third critique, when the sublime occurs, the domination of understanding is destroyed and the imagination, with a transcendental genesis, produces the pure schema in the shadow of the free play of the faculties.The ontological schema as an idea synthesizes the relation between conceptual and temporal-spatial determinations or intensive and extensive quantities or mathematical and dynamic sublime.Overally, the relation between the infinite small changes of intensive quantities gives the genesis to the idea.The genesis of Pure and infinitive idea through the occurance of sublime will be formed to the foundation of acts of beings in the existence in accordance to acts of imagination.That is deleuze`s ontological turn from epistemological view.


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