Ontology of the Iranian House Architecture According to the Religious Lifestyle (Case Study: Privacy Concept in Clerics House’s in Qom)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 , Associate Professor of Architecture, Tabriz Islamic Art University

2 Associate Professor of Architecture, Tabriz Islamic Art University

3 PhD student in Islamic Architecture, Tabriz Islamic Art University



Most of daily life of human takes place in House. However, in contemporary Iranian housing has been paid less attention to religious lifestyles ontologically. This study first examines the concept of lifestyle and the concept of privacy; then the impact of these concepts with the ontology of house architecture is examined. For this purpose, the social stratum of clerics has been selected because of their greater adherence to religious teachings. The method is qualitative research and its practical procedure is completing questionnaire by clerics. Findings show that the approaches proposed by Western thinkers in privacy should be consistent with Islamic ontology and religious lifestyle. In fact, by incorporating religious lifestyle into both the ontology of traditional Iranian housing and Western housing theories, it is possible to design suitable housing for an Iranian family.


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