Comparison of the Theory of Mismatch between the Mind and the Outside with the Fallacy from the Perspective of Allamah Tabatabai

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D. in theology

2 Master classes outside the Mashhad seminary



The relationship between mind and intellect is one of the basic issues in ontology and epistemology that arises in the transcendentalist wisdom below the discussion of science, and most of the wise think that it is imperative to match the objective and the external, in such a way that, if matched, the connection of man is effectively disconnected and All science and human perceptions become worthless and its end is nothing but stinginess and denial of reality. Allameh Tabatabai, although he emphasized the necessity of conformity in parts of Al-Hikmah and Nahi al-Hikmah, but under the thirteenth chapter, the wisdom and wise reasoning of Al-Hakma and his other works such as the principles of philosophy and the method of realism and the scientific and objective monotheism constituted a mismatch , Without requiring such a view to deny subjective existence or sophistry and denial of reality. It seems that he emphasized the necessity of adaptation in terms of the necessity of adaptation, as he expressed the famous comment of Hekma, not his own opinion, because Badayat al-Hikmah and Nahih al-Hakma were the traditional textbooks of the field, and in this case the famous theory is explained. Therefore, his special theory in this regard is the lack of conformity. This study, on the one hand, seeks to reject the correspondence between the same and the mind, because there is no reason to conform, but there are transitive and experimental (intuitive) adjectives on the mismatch, and on the other hand, the mistakes in relation to the mismatch It follows that the answer to the slander promise is discussed below. If this relationship is correctly explained, many of the problems that exist regarding apocalypse, the interpretation of dreams, and the embodiment of physical resurrection and extinction are eliminated.


The Holy Quran
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