A study on different meanings of principality of existence and abstractedness of quiddity in Sadra`s sy

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Tehran university

2 shiraz university


Molla Sadra has used the expressions of principality of existence and abstractedness of quiddity in two meanings: 1- existence is objective while quiddity is not; 2- both are objective but one essentially and the other secondarily by it. With regard to the first, the world is only existence and taken the second, it is the world of existence and quiddity. The theories in the field can be divided in the two. As is understood in the first meaning, there can be no place for quiddity to be real but in the second it would be a real object. In this way, the meanings are not in agreement. It finally can be said that Sadra`s system is opposed to a kind of contradiction and it is necessary for it to be based only upon one of the two meanings mentioned. This paper has explained the contradictions of Sadra`s system.


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