Aristotle`s view on the structure of being, critically reconsidered

Document Type : Research Paper



Aristotle’s view on the structure of being is based upon ousia, first matter, form, potentiality, actuality and entelecha. In spite of his detailed studies for introducing ousia, as the most fundamental problem in first philosophy, the concept has failed to be well introduced and remained ambiguous. Aristotle is not certain when introducing the cases of ousia. In some cases, he has known form, and in others the thing compounded of form, matter and accidentals as real ousia. Nevertheless, he has known matter as the cause for singularity and determination of natural beings. All three beliefs has been criticized. Aristotle, however, relying on such weak concepts, has been led to an unmoved ousia and described it as pure entelechia. This view is not correctly based either. In the paper some failures of his thought have been described


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