Swinburne`s Formalization of the Argument of Design

Document Type : Research Paper


1 AM of Islamic philosophy and theology from Zanjan University

2 Zanjan University


When proving the existence of God, the argument of design has been known as the easiest argument to be understood and, therefore, the most common one. Different explanations of the proof have been given during the history of theology with different degrees of stability and exactness. For this pen, the most logical and reasonable expression of the argument is what well-known as "the expression through the best explanation". Classic expressions, comparative ones, exact adjustment, non reducible complexity of biochemistry and biologic information, though each is known a distinct expression, may be used as complementary grounds for the one supported by the paper, would play a more considerable part in proving the existence of God. Swinburne has given an argument on the probability for the existence of God. Swinburne`s expression is based on induction. Formalizing the argument and focusing on the order of place and time with regard to the order of the visible world, he has made a notable attempt in the field and given a new formalization of the argument in the field. In this paper, it has been intended to gather and study Swinburne`s expressions from his different works. In  this way, a necessary step has been taken for other studies of the argument.


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