Ontological Explanation of the Qualities of Action in Transcendent Philosophy

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Islamic Azad University, Isfahan

2 Isfahan University

3 Islamic Azad University


The Existence of Divine qualities and their relation to the holy Essence of God have been counted from basic problem of theology on which different views have been presented in philosophy, theology and religious sects. The problem include the qualities of essence and the qualities of action both, the latter, however, is more considerable and difficult. As is understood in Muslim philosophers` thought, the qualities of action are those abstracted with a comparison made by human mind between God and His creatures. They cannot, therefore, be found in the Essence. In spite of the fact, however, there cannot be found any overall and reliable study in the field. In the present paper, based on an analysis of the concept of relation, it has been proved that relation is an objective being. However, when the qualities of action are regarded as existential and objective, a difficult problem happens; it is just the problem leading mu`atazilih to deny these qualities. In transcendent philosophy, based upon real establishment and gradation of existence, one may prove a type of relation between God and these existential qualities and, in this manner, considering the Essence absolutely pure, may know the Essence really an object verily qualified with them.


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