Aquinas` Explanation on the Relation of Aesthetics to the Good and the True in the Frame of Transcendent Qualities of Existence

Document Type : Research Paper


Esfahan University


One of the essential grounds for establishing new form of aesthetics in the Enlightenment has been regarded as the independence of the beautiful from the good and the true. In the philosophy of Greece and middle ages, however, the beautiful was explained based on the good and the true. This dependence was due to its own ontological and metaphysical approach to the three meanings. One case of such an approach may be found in Thomas Aquinas. When studying the transcendental qualities of the created being, the philosopher has spoken of the relation of the beautify to the good and the true. He has sought to connect the three of the created beings to those of the Divine level of being. Again Thomas, linking the three qualities with human mental powers of knowledge and will, has established such a foundation for moral life in which beauty plays an essential part.


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